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Africa – Continent of contradictions

  • Recent findings in South Africa have once again underlined the fact that the oldest people in the world obviously came from Africa. Thus, historically, this continent has a very special significance. However, its history in more recent times, especially from the mid-19th century onwards, was strongly influenced by colonisation by European states. Many deep wounds from that time still have an impact on society as a whole today. However, the continent is currently also confronted with a greater number of challenges of a different nature. On the one hand, Africa is trying to strengthen internal cohesion by means of a number of regional organisations and the African Union as a globally active institution; on the other hand, the continent has been marked by political and military conflicts between neighbouring states over the past decades until the recent present. In addition, there are regular internal social upheavals in individual countries due to violent or manipulated political change. Yet the continent could well be on a good development path, since it has a large number of important raw materials - also in comparison to other continents. However, the individual African states - and especially their citizens - often do not benefit from this to an adequate extent. This results in a social imbalance in large parts of the continent (data collection until the end of June 2023), which leads to considerable internal tensions. To make matters worse, Africa is the continent most affected by climate change. A closer look at the partly very different economic, political and social situations of the large continent leads to an overall predominantly critical assessment of Africa's further development, which is explained in more detail in the final chapter with regard to the foreseeable consequences for the continent.

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Document Type:Working Paper
Author:Winfried Polte
Subtitle (English):Opportunities for the path of sustainable and prosperous development?
Number of pages:VI, 66
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
Date of first publication:2023/09/14
Series (Volume):IZNE Working Paper Series (Nr. 23/2)
GND Keyword:AfrikaGND; EntwicklungGND; NachhaltigkeitGND
Departments, institutes and facilities:Internationales Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (IZNE)
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC):3 Sozialwissenschaften / 30 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / 300 Sozialwissenschaften
Series:IZNE Working Paper Series
Entry in this database:2023/09/14
Licence (Multiple languages):License LogoIn Copyright (Urheberrechtsschutz)