Wissenschaftlicher Artikel

Evisceration residues from hunted roe deer as a resource for necrophagous insect fauna in the Black Forest, Germany: a preliminary study

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a Erst-Autor:in
b Letzt-Autor:in
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Erschienen in
Wildlife biology ,  2022  (2022) , 6 , e01055 . https://doi.org/10.1002/wlb3.01055
ISSN: 1903-220X
Hoboken, NJ  :  Wiley

Bibliographische Angaben
Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:25-freidok-2305280 Sprache: englisch Naturwissenschaften / Biologie / Ökologie
  • englisch
Carrion of wild ungulates is an important resource for microbes, invertebrates and vertebrates, and affects local plant communities and soils. Most wild ungulates in central Europe, however, are intensely hunted and removed from the ecosystem, thus not available as carrion. This study explores the use of evisceration residues as a resource by necrophagous insects in a temperate mountainous forest in Germany. We experimentally compared the relative abundance of necrophagous insects between sites of caged roe deer carcasses and evisceration residues of roe deer using pitfall-traps. While evisceration residues were used by necrophagous insects, significantly more individuals were sampled at entire deer carcasses; when corrected for biomass, however, no significant difference in abundance for Coleoptera groups was found. Overall, evisceration residues were used earlier and for a shorter period than entire deer carcasses. Leaving evisceration residues on site where game animals are obtained might help maintain specialized necrophagous insect communities, although their ecological role cannot completely replace that of whole carcasses of wild ruminants.


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Evisceration residues from hunted roe deer as a resource for necrophagous insect fauna in the Black Forest, Germany: a preliminary study

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Evisceration residues from hunted roe deer as a resource for necrophagous insect fauna in the Black Forest, Germany: a preliminary study
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  • Wildlife Biology - 2022 - Schwegmann - Evisceration residues from hunted roe deer as a resource for necrophagous insect.pdf SHA256 checksum: f88a83a67b83aa4d7f9cf3fdc32795f47467bbb2a7f69c839534b1c39fef07fc
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