gms | German Medical Science

7th International Conference of the German Society of Midwifery Science (DGHWi) and 1st Midwifery Education Conference (HEBA-Paed)

German Association of Midwifery Science (DGHWi)
German Midwifery Association (DHV)

08.02. - 10.02.2024, Berlin

#neveragain – what midwives and midwifery scientists can learn from history

Meeting Abstract

  • corresponding author Nicola H. Bauer - Institute of Midwifery Science, Faculty of Medicine, University of Cologne and University Hospital Cologne, Germany
  • Michaela Michel-Schuldt - University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen, Germany
  • Ulrike Geppert-Orthofer - German Association of Midwives, Germany
  • Anja Katharina Peters - Protestant University Dresden, Germany
  • Daniela Erdmann - German Association of Midwives, Germany
  • Cornelia Krapp - School of Midwifery at the University Medical Centre Göttingen, Germany
  • Wiebke Lisner - Institute for Ethics, History and Philosophy of Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany

German Association of Midwifery Science. 7th International Conference of the German Association of Midwifery Science (DGHWi), Heba-Paed – 1st Midwifery Education Conference of the German Association of Midwifery Science (DGHWi) and the German Midwifery Association (DHV). Berlin, 08.-10.02.2024. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House; 2024. DocIK-W15

doi: 10.3205/24dghwi45, urn:nbn:de:0183-24dghwi455

This is the English version of the article.
The German version can be found at:

Published: February 7, 2024

© 2024 Bauer et al.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. See license information at



Background: The professionalization of midwifery and the disciplinary development of midwifery science are currently in a dynamic process. This also includes to a large extent a reflection on what has been achieved so far and what is still to be strived for. In particular, the lines of development as well as the accompanying adaptations to values and norms should be taken into account.

A reflection on the past of midwifery takes place, for example, in the context of identity and professionalization at universities. There, students examine, among other things, the “Reichshebammenführerin” and first president of the International Midwives Union (IMU, now ICM) Nanna Conti (1881–1951). Her name is engraved on the chain of office worn by the president of the ICM on current occasions. This raises controversies that show the need to reflect on history.

The political landscape in Germany and worldwide is changing, and right-wing and extreme right-wing parties and other organizations are growing in popularity and gaining strength. Among other things, there is a roleback in gender images, images of women and families, and the treatment of people with disabilities. All this also influences the work and the attitude of midwives and requires critical reflection. Past history should not be erased, but a responsible way of dealing with it should be found in order to learn lessons from it, if necessary.

According to Klemmt, the characteristics of a profession are oriented toward the common good, professional standards in the form of ethical codes, and collegial self-control. Midwives have implemented the latter within the framework of an international code of ethics and an ethics for midwives of the German Midwifery Association. This clearly shows an incompatibility of right-wing ideology and the values of midwives.

Aim/question: The workshop aims to sensitize midwives and persons from other disciplines from practice, teaching and research to the topic and to enable them to work together in small groups on different aspects of this topic.

Methodology: An open event format is offered – a barcamp. Barcamps serve the thematic exchange and discussion, but can also present concrete results at the end of the event. At the beginning of the event there will be an introduction to the method and a joint programme planning. Due to the limited time, some key points are already determined: By means of an impulse lecture of two experts we look at historical development lines at the beginning. Afterwards, the participants contribute in small groups to the already given aspects. Reports from the small groups are presented in the plenary session. All contributions are documented on flipcharts, which serve to secure the results.

Results: The results from the individual small groups can indicate topics to be worked on. In addition, impulses for further work can be given.

Relevance: The results are relevant for midwifery policy, science, practice, education and research.

Recommendations/conclusion: This important topic should be addressed and worked on at different levels.

Ethics and conflicts of interest: A vote on ethics was not necessary. The research was financed by own resources. There are no conflicts of interest.