Ordnung der Fremde : Brasilien und die theoretische Neugierde im 16. Jahrhundert

  • Although the first travels to America were largely motivated by material interests, the news about native peoples published in Europe by the travellers little by little influenced a conception of the world, which was still dominated by medieval traditions. In general, the experience of the alien was still described in the forms of the own, but gradually the empirical knowledge began to structure a new discourse. The author analyses the earliest books on voyages to Brazil in the middle of the l6th century by Hans Staden, Jean de Léry and André Thevet. He observes how they develop discursive orders of their own, trying to deal with strange phenomena. They mark a first step for Western thought in the process of creating a space for the alien, who really exists – in this case on the coast of Brazil.
  • Embora as primeiras viagens para a América fossem motivadas sobretudo por interesses materiais, as noticias sobre os povos indígenas, publicadas na Europa pelos viajantes, pouco a pouco influenciaram a concepção de mundo, dominado até então por tradições medievais. Em geral, a esperiência do outro se descrevia ainda em formas do conhecido, mas paulatinamente o conhecimento empírico começou a estruturar um novo discurso. O autor analisa os primeiros livros sobre viagens para o Brasil em meados do século XVl, Hans Staden, Jean de Léry e André Thevet. Ele constara que os viajantes desenvolvem estruturas discursivas próprias, pam lidar com os fenômenos estranhos. Os relatos marcam no pensamento ocidental um primeiro passo no processo da criação de um espaço para o outro, que existe na realidade – neste caso no litoral brasileiro.
Author:Christian Kiening
Parent Title (Portuguese):Pandaemonium Germanicum : revista de estudos germanísticos
Publisher:Humanitas Publicações
Place of publication:São Paulo
Document Type:Article
Date of Publication (online):2012/12/31
Year of first Publication:2002
Publishing Institution:Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg
Release Date:2012/12/31
GND Keyword:Entdeckungsreise; Reisebericht; Aufklärung; Wissenschaftsgeschichtsschreibung; Anthropologie; Staden, Hans; Léry, Jean de; Thevet, André
Page Number:32
First Page:137
Last Page:168
Dewey Decimal Classification:8 Literatur / 80 Literatur, Rhetorik, Literaturwissenschaft / 800 Literatur und Rhetorik
Sammlungen:Germanistik / GiNDok
CompaRe | Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft
BDSL-Klassifikation:03.00.00 Literaturwissenschaft / BDSL-Klassifikation: 03.00.00 Literaturwissenschaft > 03.03.00 Studien
12.00.00 18. Jahrhundert / BDSL-Klassifikation: 12.00.00 18. Jahrhundert > 12.08.00 Aufklärung
12.00.00 18. Jahrhundert / BDSL-Klassifikation: 12.00.00 18. Jahrhundert > 12.11.00 Gattungen und Formen / DSL-Klassifikation: 12.00.00 18. Jahrhundert > 12.11.00 Gattungen und Formen > 12.11.05 Weitere Formen
Zeitschriften / Jahresberichte:Pandaemonium Germanicum / Pandaemonium Germanicum Nr. 6
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - Namensnennung-Nicht kommerziell 3.0