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Flatness-based Feedforward Control of a Stacker Crane with Online Trajectory Generation

  • Flatness-based feedforward control is an approach for combining fast motion with low oscillations for nonlinear or flexible drive systems. Its desired trajectories must be continuously differentiable to the degree of the system order. Designing such trajectories, that also reach the dynamic system limits, poses a challenge. Common solutions, like Gevrey functions, usually require lengthy offline calculations. To achieve a quicker and simpler industrial-suited solution, this paper presents a new online trajectory generation scheme. The algorithm utilizes higher order s-curve trajectories created by a cyclic filtering process using moving average filters. An experimental validation proves the capability as well as industrial applicability of the presented approach for flexible structures like stacker cranes.

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Author:Charlotte TkanyORCiD, Martin GrotjahnORCiDGND, Johannes Kühn
DOI original:https://doi.org/10.1109/ICACR51161.2020.9265504
Parent Title (German):2020 4th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robots (ICACR), 11-13 Oct. 2020
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of Completion:2020
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Hannover
Release Date:2021/09/06
Tag:Flachheitsbasierte Vorsteuerung; Online-Trajektoriengenerierung; Regalbediengerät
dynamic trajectories; flatness-based control; flexible structure; increasing continuous differentiability; moving average filter; online trajectory generation
GND Keyword:Flexible Struktur; Regalförderzeug
Page Number:10
Link to catalogue:1778231780
Institutes:Fakultät II - Maschinenbau und Bioverfahrenstechnik
DDC classes:620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und Maschinenbau
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt