Enhanced Visualization of Landscapes and Environmental Data with Three-Dimensional Sketches

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Coconu, Liviu Marius
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Core Facility der Universität Konstanz
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3D-Landschaftsskizzen und Umweltvisualisierung
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Computer-aided landscape visualization has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional representations and media, due to its ability to convey and transmit environment knowledge and development goals in a more direct and comprehensible fashion, especially for lay people. However, the available, photorealism-based computer graphics techniques suffer from limitations that prevent a wide acceptance in practice.
The goal of this work has been the research and development of a set of novel computer graphics techniques for the automatic, GIS(Geographical Information Systems)-based visualization of vegetation, complex landscapes as well as environmental data. The core of the system are customizable three-dimensional, non-photorealistic real-time representations (interactive sketches). In contrast to conventional renderings, an interactive sketch should be capable of conveying a quickly understandable impression of a landscape from a walking perspective, as well as the selective focus on certain aspects, like factors of environment pollution.
The choice of sketch as medium is not arbitrary: hand-drawn sketches have been traditionally the instrument of choice for landscape professionals. The computer graphics techniques developed in this work cope with traditional media and add the real-time capability, coherence as well as seamless control over abstraction degree and combination of different sketchy visual elements (contours and silhouettes, different leaf representations and sizes, hatch strokes, light and shadows) with photorealism. The user is thus able to control the rendering style by merely adjusting some parameters in a continuous space across both photorealism and different sketchy styles and interactively navigate through complex landscapes. The new visualization paradigm has been embedded into a landscape visualization software system, Lenne3D.
User control has also been extended in another dimension: with suitable data structures (vegetation layers) it is possible to assign separate parameter sets to different parts of the scene and thus combine different rendering styles in the same view as needed (for example, current state of a landscape could be photorealistic and the planned state sketchy). Its also possible to change the style interactively during the navigation in the environment. This comes to address the identified needs for flexibility of potential users.
One important benefit of sketchy landscape rendering is the possibility to map abstract data onto the landscape and incorporate it in the rendition. The control over the degree of abstraction makes it possible to obtain suitable rendering styles that leave enough place for additional data to be rendered in the same view. This feature has also been explored as it is of great interest in many application fields where data obtained from ecosystem simulation, measurements, etc. needs to be visualized in a meaningful fashion - related to the underlying landscape model.
On a higher level, the newly developed algorithms should endorse the repertoire of landscapes planners and architects, as well as provide suitable media for planing and environment information communication. The system offers the required flexibility for the estimation and verification of the suitability of interactive sketches in practice.

Zusammenfassung in einer weiteren Sprache

Die computergestützte Visualisierung von Landschaftszuständen entwickelt sich zu einer Alternative für herkömmliche Darstellungstechniken, da mit modernen computergrafischen Verfahren Umweltwissen und Entwicklungsziele für Laien verständlicher und unmittelbarer repräsentiert werden können. Im Rahmen der Dissertation sollen neuartige, abstrahierende, computergrafische Methoden für die automatische, GIS-datengestützte, skizzenhafte 3 D-Darstellung von Vegetation und komplexen Landschaftsszenen sowie Umweltinformationen untersucht und entwickelt werden. Im Gegensatz zu den verfügbaren, photorealistischen Visualisierungstechniken, sollen Interaktive Skizzen einen schnell verständlichen Eindruck von einer Landschaft aus Spaziergängerperspektive vermitteln, die gezielte visuelle Hervorhebung bestimmter Aspekte, wie z.B. Faktoren der Umweltverschmutzung, ermöglichen.
Die Wahl der Skizze als Kommunikationsmittel ist keinesfalls willkürlich: handgezeichnete Skizzen gehören sei langem dem grafischen Repertoire des Landschaftsplaners und -architekts. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten computergrafischen Verfahren erfüllen die Funktion ihrer traditionellen Vorbildern und fügen Echtzeitfähigkeit, zeitliche Kohärenz sowie stufenlose Kontrolle über den Abstraktionsgrad und der Kombination von verschieden skizzenhaften visuellen Merkmalen (Umriss, Größe und Form der Blattprimitive, Schraffuren, Licht und Schatten) mit Photorealismus. Folglich ist der Benutzer in der Lage, die Darstellungsart lediglich durch die Abstimmung von Parametern in einem kontinuierlichen Parameterraum zwischen Photorealismus und verschiedenen Arten von Skizzen zu kontrollieren und gleichzeitig interaktiv durch komplexe Landschaftsszenen zu navigieren. Dieses neue Visualisierungsparadigma wurde in einem Landschaftsvisualisierungssoftware eingebettet (Lenne3D).
Die flexible Benutzerkontrolle wurde um eine weitere Dimension erweitert: mit Hilfe geeigneter Datenstrukturen welche Vegetationsschichten repräsentieren, ist es möglich, verschiedenen Teilen einer Landschaft eigene Darstellungsparametersätze zuzuordnen und somit die Erscheinung dieser Landschaftselemente einzeln und interaktiv zu kontrollieren. Damit kann man ein spezifisches Landschaftsbild oder Landschaftszustand noch gezielter vermitteln (beispielsweise könnte der aktuelle Zustand einer Landschaft photorealistisch, geplante Änderungen jedoch skizzenhaft dargestellt werden). Damit wird einer wesentlichen Forderung der Benutzer entsprochen, die nun geeignete Kommunikationsmittel ("Bildsprachen") in dem System entwickeln können.
Ein weiterer, wichtiger Schritt war die Einbeziehung und Darstellung von abstrakten, nicht-sichtbaren Umweltdaten. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Visualisierungstechniken, vermeiden interaktive Skizzen durch die Anpassung des Detailgrads eine visuelle Überbelastung und ermöglichen somit die Einblendung zusätzlicher Information unmittelbar in der Landschaft. Darüber hinaus kann man Datenwerte direkt auf Skizzenelemente wie Schraffur, Farbe usw. abbilden. Es wurden beispielhaft Methoden zur interaktiver Visualisierung von Umweltindikatoren entwickelt. Die Ausnutzung der Skizze als Rahmen und zugleich Ausdrucksmittel für Datenvisualisierungen bestätigt die Flexibilität und steigert den Mehrwert der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten computergrafischen Algorithmen.
Die Methoden sollen das grafische Repertoire des Landschaftsplaners ergänzen und die Darstellungsmittel für die Planungskommunikation und Umweltinformationsvermittlung erweitern. Damit besteht die Möglichkeit, perzeptuelle Studien vorzunehmen und die Praxistauglichkeit interaktiver Skizzen zu untersuchen.

Fachgebiet (DDC)
004 Informatik
Nicht-fotorealistische Computergraphik, Echtzeit-Rendering, Umweltvisualisierung, non-photorealistic computer graphics, real-time rendering, environment visualization
undefined / . - undefined, undefined
ISO 690COCONU, Liviu Marius, 2008. Enhanced Visualization of Landscapes and Environmental Data with Three-Dimensional Sketches [Dissertation]. Konstanz: University of Konstanz
  title={Enhanced Visualization of Landscapes and Environmental Data with Three-Dimensional Sketches},
  author={Coconu, Liviu Marius},
  school={Universität Konstanz}
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    <dcterms:abstract xml:lang="eng">Computer-aided landscape visualization has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional representations and media, due to its ability to convey and transmit environment knowledge and development goals in a more direct and comprehensible fashion, especially for lay people. However, the available, photorealism-based computer graphics techniques suffer from limitations that prevent a wide acceptance in practice.&lt;br /&gt;The goal of this work has been the research and development of a set of novel computer graphics techniques for the automatic, GIS(Geographical Information Systems)-based visualization of vegetation, complex landscapes as well as environmental data. The core of the system are customizable three-dimensional, non-photorealistic real-time representations (interactive sketches). In contrast to conventional renderings, an interactive sketch should be capable of conveying a quickly understandable impression of a landscape from a walking perspective, as well as the selective focus on certain aspects, like factors of environment pollution.&lt;br /&gt;The choice of sketch as medium is not arbitrary: hand-drawn sketches have been traditionally the instrument of choice for landscape professionals. The computer graphics techniques developed in this work cope with traditional media and add the real-time capability, coherence as well as seamless control over abstraction degree and combination of different sketchy visual elements (contours and silhouettes, different leaf representations and sizes, hatch strokes, light and shadows) with photorealism. The user is thus able to control the rendering style by merely adjusting some parameters in a continuous space across both photorealism and different sketchy styles and interactively navigate through complex landscapes. The new visualization paradigm has been embedded into a landscape visualization software system, Lenne3D.&lt;br /&gt;User control has also been extended in another dimension: with suitable data structures (vegetation layers) it is possible to assign separate parameter sets to different parts of the scene and thus combine different rendering styles in the same view as needed (for example, current state of a landscape could be photorealistic and the planned state sketchy). Its also possible to change the style interactively during the navigation in the environment. This comes to address the identified needs for flexibility of potential users.&lt;br /&gt;One important benefit of sketchy landscape rendering is the possibility to map abstract data onto the landscape and incorporate it in the rendition. The control over the degree of abstraction makes it possible to obtain suitable rendering styles that leave enough place for additional data to be rendered in the same view. This feature has also been explored as it is of great interest in many application fields where data obtained from ecosystem simulation, measurements, etc. needs to be visualized in a meaningful fashion - related to the underlying landscape model.&lt;br /&gt;On a higher level, the newly developed algorithms should endorse the repertoire of landscapes planners and architects, as well as provide suitable media for planing and environment information communication. The system offers the required flexibility for the estimation and verification of the suitability of interactive sketches in practice.</dcterms:abstract>
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    <dc:creator>Coconu, Liviu Marius</dc:creator>
    <dc:contributor>Coconu, Liviu Marius</dc:contributor>
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URL der Originalveröffentl.
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Prüfungsdatum der Dissertation
July 8, 2008
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