1 Erratum to: Softw Syst Model DOI 10.1007/s10270-015-0501-1

Unfortunately there is a mistake in the author information for references [1, 5] in the text.

The correct information is (as in the references itself):

“Bonifácio, Borba, Ferraz, and Accioly (‘Empirical assessment of two approaches for specifying software product lines use case scenarios’ [5]) report the results of an empirical investigation of two different specification approaches for software product line scenarios, \(\ldots \)” and “In ‘The shape of feature code: an investigation of twenty c-preprocesor-based system’ [1] Queiroz, Passos, Valente, Hunsen, Apel, and Czarnecki investigate twenty projects using C preprocessor directives for variability management.”