Review: Lisa Tillmann-Healy (2001). Between Gay and Straight: Understanding Friendship Across Sexual Orientation


  • Sarah Redshaw University of Western Sydney



identity, homosexuality, gay community, friendship


Lisa TILLMANN-HEALY provides a journey into a world that is foreign to many people and looks at the elements that make it foreign. The book is an account and discussion of getting to know a group of gay men from her perspective as a heterosexual woman. It is predominantly conversational, with accounts of interviews, casual encounters, social gatherings and outings. TILLMANN-HEALY takes friendship as the paradigm for her study, allowing the meanings operating within and between sexual categories to be considered. The extent to which these meanings are able to be shared is limited, but the understandings that are offered are valuable. The approach taken is an important one in developing ways to look at shared meanings between disparate groups. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0204491


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Author Biography

Sarah Redshaw, University of Western Sydney

Sarah REDSHAW is Project Director of Driving Cultures with the Centre for Cultural Research at the University of Western Sydney. She has been working on the cultural influences in driving, particularly with young people, and is interested in the interpersonal as an interface between the individual and culture. Her PhD is on the ethics of SPINOZA as an interpersonal ethics. From 2003 she will be a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Centre on Transforming Drivers: Driving as Social, Cultural and Gendered Practice, a project funded by the Australian Research Council and the National Roads and Motorists Association.




How to Cite

Redshaw, S. (2002). Review: Lisa Tillmann-Healy (2001). Between Gay and Straight: Understanding Friendship Across Sexual Orientation. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 3(4).



Body / Culture / Identity