[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-211

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Laser-induced Incandescence:
Quantitative Interpretation, Modelling, Applications

Proceedings 2nd International Discussion Meeting and Workshop
Laser-induced Incandescence: Quantitative Interpretation, Modelling, Applications
August 2-4, 2006, Bad Herrenalb, Germany

Edited by

Rainer Suntz and Henning Bockhorn

TCP, Forschungsuniversität Karlsruhe (TH)

Complete Proceedings


  1. Theoretical considerations in modeling LII at low pressures
    F. Liu, K. J. Daun, G. J. Smallwood
  2. Inverse analysis of time-resolved LII data
    K. J. Daun1, F. Liu, G. J. Smallwood, B. J. Stagg, and D. R. Snelling
  3. Heat conduction from spherical nano-particles
    F. Liu, K. J. Daun, G. J. Smallwood, and D. R. Snelling
  4. Absorption correction of two-color LII-signals
    F. Migliorini, S. De Iuliis, F. Cignoli, G. Zizak
  5. Longer laser pulses for practical LII
    J. D. Black
  6. TR-LII and PMS particle sizing applied to soot particles synthesized in a low-pressure flame reactor
    B. Tribalet, B.F. Kock, P. Ifeacho, P. Roth, C. Schulz
  7. Time-resolved LII in comparison with mass spectrometry measurements in a premixed ethylene/air flame
    R. Stirn, K.P. Geigle, W. Meier, T. Gonzalez-Baquet, H.H. Grotheer, M. Aigner
  8. Temperature measurements for LII evaluation in non-premixed flames � comparison between emission spectroscopy and CARS
    M. Wendler, G. Guevara, M.C. Weikl, R. Sommer, F. Beyrau, T. Seeger and A. Leipertz
  9. Pressure effects on LII-signals
    A. Boiarciuc, F. Foucher, C. Mouna�m-Rousselle
  10. Effect of pressure on thermal accommodation coefficient
    B.J. Stagg
  11. Laser-induced incandescence for measuring soot particle emission from aero-gas turbines
    J. Delhay, P. Desgroux, E. Therssen, John Black
  12. Two-color time-resolved LII study of iron oxide nanoparticle formation in a premixed flat low pressure flame
    H. D�rr, H. Bockhorn, and R. Suntz
  13. In-cylinder particulate sizing with combined TR-LII/2C pyrometry
    B. Bougie, L.C. Ganippa, A.P. van Vliet, W.L. Meerts, N.J. Dam, J.J. ter Meulen
  14. Measuring accommodation coefficients using laser-induced incandescence
    K. J. Daun, G. J. Smallwood, F. Liu, and D. R. Snelling
  15. Comparison of TR-LII sizing for pure carbon and hydrogen-containing carbon particles
    A. Eremin, M. Falchenko, E. Gurentsov, B. Kock, R. Starke, C. Schulz
  16. LII in a high vacuum and up date and LII in carbon black from a particle generator
    V. Beyer and D. A. Greenhalgh, D. Clavel, K. Daun, F. Liu, B. Sawchuck, G. Smallwood, D. Snelling and K. Thomson
  17. Particle size measurements with two color TIRE-LII
    R. Hadef, R. Stirn, KP. Geigle, M. Aigner
  18. A web-based interface for modeling laser-induced incandescence (LIISim)
    M. Hofmann, B.F. Kock, C. Schulz
  19. Effects of soot absorption and scattering on LII intensities in a laminar coflow ethylene/air diffusion flame
    F. Liu, K. A. Thomson, G. J. Smallwood
  20. Time-resolved laser-induced incandescence (TIRE-LII) coupled with spectral emission measurements for particle sizing in high-pressure diesel combustion environments
    R. Ryser, T. Gerber, T. Dreier
  21. Absolute intensity calibration of LII detectors
    K. A. Thomson, D. R. Snelling, G. J. Smallwood

submitted by Rainer Suntz, Marcus Charwath, 6-Nov-2006
published on CEUR-WS.org, 6-Nov-2006