[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-195

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Laser-induced incandescence:
Quantitative Interpretation, Modelling, Application

Proceedings International Bunsen Discussion Meeting and Workshop
Laser-induced incandescence: Quantitative Interpretation, Modelling, Application,
September 25-28, 2005, Duisburg, Germany

Edited by

Christof Schulz

IVG, Universität Duisburg-Essen

Complete Proceedings


  1. Heat conduction issues in laser-induced incandescence
    S.-A. Kuhlmann, J. Reimann, S. Will
  2. A detailed experimental and theoretical comparison of spatially-resolved laser-induced incandescence signals
    H. Bladh, J. Delhay, Y. Bouvier, E. Therssen, P-E. Bengtsson, P. Desgroux
  3. Investigations of the mechanisms involved in LII particle detection
    H. A. Michelsen, M. Y. Gershenzon, P.O. Witze
  4. Influence of polydisperse distributions of both primary particle and aggregate sizes on soot temperature in low-fluence laser-induced incandescence
    F. Liu, M. Yang, F. A. Hill, G. J. Smallwood, D. R. Snelling
  5. 2-Color LII measurements of carbon black: Interpretation for quantitative measurement of fineness
    B.J. Stagg
  6. Wavelength-dependence of refractive index function of soot particle by two-color laser induced incandescence
    Y. Bouvier, E. Therssen, P. Desgroux
  7. An LII technique independent of ex-situ calibration by detecting absolute light intensity
    D. R. Snelling, G. J. Smallwood, F. Liu, �. L. G�lder, W. D. Bachalo
  8. Laser-induced processes in carbon generated in an argon arc
    J.D. Black, M.P. Johnson
  9. An investigation of soot nanoparticulate in a vacuum
    V. Beyer, D.A. Greenhalgh
  10. Laser-induced incandescence measurements in a laminar co-annular non-premixed methane/air flame at pressures of 0.5 to 4.0 MPa
    K. A. Thomson, D. R. Snelling, G. J. Smallwood, F. Liu
  11. Laser-induced incandescence and shifted vibrational CARS in laminar premixed flames at atmospheric and elevated pressures
    K.P. Geigle, M.S. Tsurikov, W. Meier, V. Kr�ger, R. Hadef
  12. Laser-induced incandescence and multi-line NO thermometry for soot diagnostics at high pressures
    M. Hofmann, H. Kronemayer, B. F. Kock, C. Schulz
  13. Soot particulate size measurements in a heavy duty Diesel engine
    B. Bougie, L.C. Ganippa, A.P. van Vliet, N.J. Dam, W.L. Meerts, J.J. ter Meulen
  14. Modeling of time-resolved laser-induced incandescence (TIRE-LII) transients for particle sizing in high-pressure spray combustion environments
    T. Dreier, B. Bougie, L. Ganippa, N. Dam, T. Gerber, J.J. ter Meulen
  15. Application of TR-LII for the study of carbon vapor condensation at room temperature
    A. Eremin, E. Gurentsov, M. Hofmann, C. Schulz
  16. Planar laser-induced incandescence of iron particles in welding fumes
    O. Lucas, Z. Alwahabi, V. Linton
  17. Time-resolved laser-induced-incandescence (TR-LII) for iron-particle sizing
    B. Kock, J. Knipping, H.R. Orthner, C. Kayan, C. Schulz, P. Roth
  18. Laser-induced incandescence of free and surface-adsorbed particles
    T. Schittkowski, D. B�ker, D. Br�ggemann
  19. In-situ determination of gas-to-particle reaction generated nanoscaled particles
    M. Charwath, T. Lehre, R. Suntz, H. Bockhorn
  20. Two-dimensional imaging of soot volume fraction and OH in turbulent jet diffusion flames spanning low to high mixing rates
    N. H. Qamar, Z.T. Alwahabi, G. J. Nathan, K. D. King


  1. Peak soot temperature in laser-induced incandescence measurements
    S. De Iuliis, F. Cignoli, G. Zizak
  2. Soot volume fractions and primary particle size estimations by means of simultaneous time-resolved and 2D laser-induced incandescence
    A. Boiarciuc, F. Foucher, C. Mouna�m-Rousselle
  3. Time-resolved laser-induced incandescence applied to in-cylinder Diesel particle sizing
    B. F. Kock, C. Schulz, P. Roth
  4. Gas-phase temperature imaging in sooting flames by multi-line NO-LIF thermometry
    H. Kronemayer, M. Hofmann, K. Omerbegovic, C. Schulz
  5. A critical evaluation of the thermal accommodation coefficient of soot determined by the laser-induced incandescence technique
    F. Liu, D. R. Snelling, G. J. Smallwood

submitted by C. Schulz, 24-Aug-2006
published on CEUR-WS.org, 28-Aug-2006