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SSN 2016
Spring School on Networks

Proceedings of the II Spring School on Networks 2016

Santiago, Chile, November 21-22, 2016.

Edited by

Sandra Céspedes *
Javier Bustos-Jiménez **
Alejandro Hevia ***

* Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Chile. Av. Tupper 2007, Of. 504, Santiago, Chile.
** NIC Labs, Universidad de Chile. Blanco Encalada 1975, Santiago, Chile.
*** Computer Science Department, Universidad de Chile. Beauchef 851, Santiago, Chile.

Table of Contents

Session 1: Talks

Session 2: Posters


2016-11-15: submitted by Javier Bustos-Jiménez, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2016-11-17: published on CEUR-WS.org |valid HTML5|