[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-140

© 2005 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

SDWP 2005
Semantic and Dynamic Web Processes

Proceedings of the ICWS 2005 Second International Workshop on
Semantic and Dynamic Web Processes

Orlando, Florida, USA, July 11, 2005.

Edited by

Jorge Cardoso *
Amit Sheth #

* Department of Mathematics and Engineering, University of Madeira, 9000-390 Funchal, Portugal
# LSDIS Lab, Department of Computer Science - University of Georgia and Semagix Inc., Athens GA 30602-7404, USA

Table of Contents

  1. Dynamic Business: an Opportunity and Challenge for Dynamic Web Processes
    Richard Goodwin
  2. Web Service Interactions: Analysis and Design
    Jianwen Su, Tevfik Bultan, and Xiang Fu
  3. Rebuilding the Semantic Web Service Architecture
    Xuan Shi and Vasudevan Jagannathan
  4. Selecting Web Services for Optimal Composition
    Daniela Barreiro Claro, Patrick Albers, and Jin-Kao Hao
  5. SOPHIE - A Conceptual Model for a Semantic Choreography Framework
    Sinuhe Arroyo and Alistair Duke
  6. Semi-Automatic Web Service Generation and Classification
    Miguel Angel Corella, Jos� Mar�a Fuentes, and Pablo Castells
  7. Structuring the Web to Cope with Dynamic Changes
    Wookey Lee and Jinho Kim
  8. Semantic Matching of Web Service Policies
    Kunal Verma, Rama Akkiraju, and Richard Goodwin
  9. A B2B formal conversation language based on Semantic Web Services
    Juan Miguel Gomez, Sung-Kook Han, and Christoph Bussler
  10. Semantically Annotating Reactive Web Services with Temporal Specifications
    Monika Solanki, Antonio Cau, and Hussein Zedan
  11. Linking Semantics Web Service Efforts
    Kunal Verma, Adrian Mocan, Michal Zaremba, Amit Sheth, John A. Miller, and Christoph Bussler
  12. A CAN-Based P2P Infrastructure for Semantic Web Services
    Nizamuddin Channa, Shanping Li, Wei Shi, and Gang Peng

submitted by Jorge Cardoso, July 4, 2005