[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-117

© 2004 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Design, Evaluation and Description of Reusable Learning Contents

Proceedings of the First Pluri-Disciplinary Symposium on
Design, Evaluation and Description of Reusable Learning Contents

Guadalajara (Spain), October 20-22, 2004.

Edited by

Jos� R. Hilera Gonz�lez *
Jos� A. Guti�rrez de Mesa *
Raquel V�lez de Miguel #
Rut Mart�nez Borda #

* Computer Science Department, University of Alcala, 28871 Alcal� de Henares (Madrid), Spain
# Psychopedagogy and Physical Education Department, Universitiy of Alcal�, 28801 Alcal� de Henares (Madrid), Spain

Table of Contents

  1. Qualitative approach for the teaching of physical concepts
    Juan J. �lvarez-S�nchez, Jos� V. �lvarez-Bravo, Francisco J. Gonz�lez-Cabrera
  2. A scope of Learning Management Systems
    Roberto Barchino, Jos� M. Guti�rrez, Salvador Ot�n
  3. Operating MATLAB by Internet
    Bonifacio Casta�o, Juan Llovet, Javier S�nchez
  4. Teaching and Learning to Design e-Learning Didactic Materials: Reflections since the Practice in the University of Alcala
    Omar de la Cruz, M�nica Olivares Leyva, Carmen Pag�s, Rita R�os de la Llave, Francisco J. Moreno Ruiz, Miguel A. L�pez
  5. Adapting Software Engineering Reusability Metrics to Learning Objects
    Juan J. Cuadrado-Gallego
  6. The University Libraries and the new learning model: teachers and librarians, since we learn together, let�s work together
    M� Isabel Dom�nguez Aroca
  7. Learning Objects in the <e-Aula> system
    Baltasar Fern�ndez-Manj�n, J. L�pez Moratalla, Iv�n Mart�nez Ortiz, P. Moreno Ger
  8. The evaluation as a didactic strategy. The quality in higher education
    Anna For�s, Carme Trinidad
  9. Taxonomy of the digital learning resources used in the subjects taught in the ETSII-UPM
    �ngel Garc�a-Beltr�n, Raquel Mart�nez, Juan A. Criado, Aurora Alonso
  10. How to develop contents for on line training based on learning objects
    Marta Gonz�lez Arechabaleta
  11. The contribution of IMS Learning Design to the creation of reusable learning resources
    David Griffiths, Roc�o Garcia, Josep Blat, Sergio Sayago
  12. Instructional design and learning objects; towards a model for the design of online learning evaluation activities
    Lourdes Gu�rdia Ortiz, Albert Sangr� Morer
  13. Analysis of the importance of to use information technologies and the communications at the apprenticeship: The case of NetSim as a web of computer's electronic tools
    Jos� Antonio Guti�rrez de Mesa, Juan Antonio Rodrigo Yanes, Julio Garv�a Honrado
  14. Reflections on the configuration of the pedagogic knowledge and the required competences in the Information Society: modifications around the concept of Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs)
    M� Jos� Hern�ndez Serrano, Margarita Gonz�lez S�nchez
  15. Reusable learning processes modeling with XML, UML and IMS-LD
    Jos� R. Hilera, David Palomar
  16. Concept Maps and Learning Objects
    Leonel Iriarte Navarro, Manuel Marco Such, Daniel Mor�n Mart�n, Carlos P�rez-Sancho, Pedro Pern�as Peco
  17. Creation of a library of learning objects (LO) from pre existing contents
    Leonel Iriarte Navarro, Manuel Marco Such, Daniel Mor�n Mart�n, Carlos P�rez-Sancho, Pedro Pern�as Peco
  18. Evaluation and implantation of an evaluation model of formative actions
    M� Lourdes Jim�nez, Roberto Barchino
  19. "Scent of women": beyond "objects of learning"
    Pilar Lacasa
  20. Meaning and �learning�s objects�
    Pilar Lacasa, Raquel V�lez, Soraya S�nchez
  21. Integrating descriptions of cognitive skills in standard learning objects metadata
    Cristina Laorden, Elena Garc�a, Salvador S�nchez
  22. Development of learning objects repositories by metadata reutilization from a digital collection: from Dublin Core to IMS
    Clara L�pez Guzm�n, Francisco Garc�a Pe�alvo
  23. Middleware architecture to the extension of functionality of e-learning contents and LMS
    Jos� Vicente Mancl�s Tur, Aurelio Pons Puig, Jos� Millet Roig
  24. Construction of �learning objects�: seeking a frame of reference derived from an educational perspective
    Leonor Margalef Garc�a
  25. Analysing the quality of reusable learning objects: design, usability and practices of use
    Teresa Mauri, Javier Onrubia, C�sar Coll, Rosa Colomina
  26. Building new educational environments. The challenge of teaching �practice� in distance education
    Laura M�ndez Zaballos
  27. Personalizing the learning process by means of reusable learning objects
    Juli� Minguill�n, Enric Mor, Francesc Santanach, Lourdes Gu�rdia
  28. �Can we apply Free Software production model to learning contents?
    Sergio Monge Benito
  29. Units of learning quality evaluation
    E. Morales, F. Garc�a, T. Moreira, H. Rego, A. Berlanga
  30. Advanced intelligent tutoring system. Application example: GEKA
    Carmen Pag�s, Jos� J. Mart�nez, �scar Guti�rrez, Teresa D�ez
  31. Opera-Learning: Integrating multimedia content distribution and learning objects standards
    Mireia Pascual, Juli� Minguill�n
  32. Collaboration as a social learning context: construction and re-creation of shared knowledge in virtual spaces
    Laura Ray�n Rumayor
  33. An open system for the creation of digital educative contents
    Jos� L. Rodr�guez Illera, Anna Escofet, Mariella Azzato
  34. Design electronic educational contents based on learning objects
    Rosabel Roig Vila
  35. A comparative study of the metadata in SCORM and Dublin Core
    Juan Ignacio Rouyet, V�ctor Mart�n
  36. Processes involved in the development of reusable multimedia didactic materials to promote scientific and technological culture
    Andr�s Sampedro Nu�o, A. Mart�nez Nistal, R.A. Mart�nez Gonz�lez, Beatriz Rodr�guez Ruiz
  37. Normative metadata for the description of learning object-based educational activities
    Salvador S�nchez Alonso
  38. Reusability and reuse of learning objects: myths, realities and possibilities
    Miguel �ngel Sicilia
  39. Content sequencing and learning objects
    Miguel Zapata

submitted by J.R. Hilera, November 11, 2004