The forced adoption of a fast-track appraisal process for a breast cancer treatment in UK


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A Master's thesis.
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Continuing education (thesis)
The forced adoption of a fast-track appraisal process for a breast cancer treatment in UK
Grecu Eugen
Domenighetti Gianfranco
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté des hautes études commerciales
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Issued date
Mémoire / Institute of Health Economics and Management ; no 105
Number of pages
DESS en économie et management de la santé - Master in Health Economics and Management (MHEM) Mention de responsabiblité : / Eugen Grecu ; [dir. de mémoire: Gianfranco Domenighetti] SAPHIRID:67806
Trastuzumab (Herceptin ®, Roche) is approved in UK for the treatment of the metastatic breast cancer since 2001. As of 2005, concomitantly with the publication of 3 studies that showed it produces a 50% reduction of the recurrence rates of breast cancer, trastuzumab started to be prescribed in the earlt adjuvant treatrnent of this disease. Und June 2006, trastuzumab did not have both: 1) regulatory approval and 2) NICE [National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence] recommendation for the use in early stages of breast cancer. During the period until June 2006, the trastuzumab use in those patients was not reimbursed and because the cost of trastuzumab is equal with the yearly UK average income, most of patients could not self fund their treatrnent.
Before the publication of the final NICE guidance, the new data of trastuzumab in early breast cancer raised enormous patient and professional interest and expectations. A great volume of public and professional pressure was generated to transcend a system by which Primary Care Trusts can reimburse a treatment only after a formal guidance was issued.
This paper draw on a case study depicting and analyzing the process by which regulatory approval and NICE recommendations were achieved in a record time and how trastuzumab became a standard treatment on early adjuvant breast cancer. According to the data we gathered in this work we were witnessing one of the fastest processes of adoption of a health care technology since the creation of NICE, in 1999. This study addresses the following research question: How and why does the adoption pattern of trastuzumab differ from the rational decision-making model of the reimbursement process in UK? [Author, p. 4]
Breast Neoplasms, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Antineoplastic Agents, Drug Approval, Drug Evaluation
Create date
05/07/2010 16:52
Last modification date
09/02/2023 7:51
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