Implementation study of a clinical prediction score to rule out cardiogenic chest pain in community: Cluster randomized trial


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A Master's thesis.
Publication sub-type
Master (thesis) (master)
Implementation study of a clinical prediction score to rule out cardiogenic chest pain in community: Cluster randomized trial
Jaunin E.
Herzig L.
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
Publication state
Issued date
Number of pages
1.1 Fundamentals Chest pain is a common complaint in primary care patients (1 to 3% of all consultations) (1) and its aetiology can be miscellaneous, from harmless to potentially life threatening conditions. In primary care practice, the most prevalent aetiologies are: chest wall syndrome (43%), coronary heart disease (12%) and anxiety (7%) (2). In up to 20% of cases, potentially serious conditions as cardiac, respiratory or neoplasic diseases underlie chest pain. In this context, a large number of laboratory tests are run (42%) and over 16% of patients are referred to a specialist or hospitalized (2).¦A cardiovascular origin to chest pain can threaten patient's life and investigations run to exclude a serious condition can be expensive and involve a large number of exams or referral to specialist -­‐ often without real clinical need. In emergency settings, up to 80% of chest pains in patients are due to cardiovascular events (3) and scoring methods have been developed to identify conditions such as coronary heart disease (HD) quickly and efficiently (4-­‐6). In primary care, a cardiovascular origin is present in only about 12% of patients with chest pain (2) and general practitioners (GPs) need to exclude as safely as possible a potential serious condition underlying chest pain. A simple clinical prediction rule (CPR) like those available in emergency settings may therefore help GPs and spare time and extra investigations in ruling out CHD in primary care patients. Such a tool may also help GPs reassure patients with more common origin to chest pain.
chest pain, clinical prediction rule, general practice, research protocol
Create date
21/06/2012 11:43
Last modification date
20/08/2019 15:31
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