Retrospective analysis of complications of immunosuppressive therapies (steroidsand immunosuppressive therapies) in pediatric uveitis


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A Master's thesis.
Publication sub-type
Master (thesis) (master)
Retrospective analysis of complications of immunosuppressive therapies (steroidsand immunosuppressive therapies) in pediatric uveitis
Fracheboud S.
Guex-Crosier Y.
Hofer M.
Institution details
Université de Lausanne, Faculté de biologie et médecine
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Issued date
Number of pages
Purpose¦The purpose of this study is to analyze the incidence rate of side effects occurring during systemic therapy (corticosteroids, methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclosporine A or biologic agents) of auto-immune uveitis.¦Material and methods¦Retrospective study including 23 / 71 patients aged between 0-16 years old presenting with a chronic non-infectious uveitis. All children were treated in the Jules-Gonin Eye Hospital and paediatric rheumatology unit of the CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois) between January 2000 and December 31st 2010. Side effects were reported as minor (without subsequent change in systemic medication), moderate (associated with a change in systemic dosage or class of immunosuppressive therapy or in the presence of Cushingoid face or weight gain) or severe (hospitalization or life threatening).¦Results¦52% of boys and 48% of girls are present in the cohort with a mean age at the first visit of 8.1 years (1.7-15.6). Intermediate uveitis consisted of the commonest aetiology with 8 patients (35%), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in 7 (30%), Behçet's disease in 3 (13%) and others in 5 (22%). The overall length of therapy was longer for prednisone (26.6 ± 5.4 patient / year), but was similar between methotrexate (22.1 ± 5.4 patient / year) and azathioprine (15.2 patient / year). Moderate side effects were respectively 64% for corticosteroids therapy, 54% with methotrexate and 14% with azathioprine. One severe and one moderate side effect were observed with anti-TNFα respectively stage III anaphylactic shock and pain during injection associated with a redness of the site of injection and limping after the injection.¦Discussion¦Immunomodulating agents allow a rapid decrease in corticosteroid therapy, but one severe side effect was observed with anti-TNFa agents. These agents are considered in most countries as third line therapeutic agents.
Uveitis, pediatric, adverse events, corticosteroids, immunosuppressive agents
Create date
21/05/2012 13:27
Last modification date
20/08/2019 16:20
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